Inspiring young women using education will help reduce overpopulation in areas that cannot support it and prevent extremism in their children.
At seven billion more today, the world ‘s human population is estimated to reach more than nine billion by 2050. If so, many people will be consuming energy and the planet may need more than twice the amount of energy it does today.
The root cause of the looming energy problem is the endless and unfair growth of the human race. And the only verified way to reduce fertility rates is to empower young women through education.
High fertility rates in developing world regions are increasing their energy production thus resulting in either polluting the environment or causing climate change.
For example, India, Somalia, and Sudan have high positive birth rates. The last two countries are struggling to supply adequate food and water resources; and India doubled its energy consumption by around 50% between 1992 and 2001.
Even so, a United Nations study released in August reported that Asia currently doesn’t have the means to feed the additional 1.5 billion people expected to live on that mainland by 2050.
Empirical research implying that providing education for women and girls will resolve these issues; includes numerous studies displaying that educated women have fewer kids, are richer, and are less likely to accept fundamentalist extremism. If we desire a safer world, we must consider the use of spending dollars on educating youth as an alternative to soldiers and weapons.
Nowadays, in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Taliban have produced thousands of madrassas, where poor children without access to education can receive food and what passes for learning. Besides that, in paternalistic societies where women have little rights, it’d be an uphill battle to create change.
As hard and slow as the process may be, the education of women in those countries is a necessary step to give them the opportunity and motivation to begin to control their own destiny. It will be difficult to achieve the long-term goal of poverty reduction, religious fundamentalism, and overpopulation until we free women worldwide from the slavery of ignorance. Furthermore, education is a fundamental human right that has systematically been denied to too many women for too long.
Photo de Markus Spiske provenant de Pexels